Saturday, April 18, 2009

Visual Studio: close the start page when opening a project

It's a small thing, but I get irritated having to close the Start Page in Visual Studio after I've opened a project. Eric Faust shows you how to write a plugin to have that happen automatically, and gives you a downloadable plugin as well.

Two notes:
  • If you use the downloadable version, you might need to unblock the zip file as Internet files aren't trusted.  Right-click, properties, click "Unblock".
  • Edit StartPageCloser.AddIn and change the to:
Once you've done that, built the Release version and copy the StartPageCloser.AddIn and  StartPageCloser.dll to your plugins directory.  On VS2008 that's Documents\Visual Studio 2008\AddIns - and I had to create the AddIns directory myself.